The Very First KotlinConf
JetBrains held its first KotlinConf, and it was a huge success. With 1200 attendees, it was a great conference to both attend and speak at. There was much to learn about the language and how it is being used.
When Strange Loop Makes Your Brain Melt
Continued learning is hard and sometimes conferences, which should help with that, can be demoralizing. Here are some tips to let them empower you and not make you feel inadequate.
Write/Speak/Code: A Conference For Doers
Conferences are great for learning and networking but the Write/Speak/Code conference encourages attendees to be doers on top of being participants. Learn one, Do one, Teach one.
Big Data Ignite 2017 Recap
Big Data isn’t going away any time soon. After attending a local conference on the topic, I started to see a couple of major trends showing through, including the fact that enterprises are more interested in it than ever.